Cosplay Outfitters

Online Shop - You Meet In A Tavern

Get your Adventuring Gear

  • Bracelet of the Azure Sands of Tranquility (Hand Made)
    Behold the Azure Sands of Tranquility: a delicate glass vial filled with shimmering blue sand, said to possess calming, otherworldly magic or in the alternative some stylish blue sand.Accompanied by...
  • Enigmatic Ring of the Countess Lady Margolota von Sanguinala - You Meet In A Tavern Enigmatic Ring of the Countess Lady Margolota von Sanguinala - You Meet In A Tavern
    Enigmatic Ring of the Countess Lady Margolota von Sanguinala
    Presenting the Enigmatic Ring of Countess Lady Margolota von Sanguinala: a captivating piece crafted by forced unknown from the finest in yellow materials that give no allusion as to their...
  • Soulbound Effigy of Balthazaar the Loquacious
    This small statue definitely does not contain the immortal soul of the once powerful wizard Balthazaar the Loquacious.Behold the Soulbound Effigy of Balthazaar the Loquacious: which definately does not contain...
  • The Ring of the Bee-Witch
    Dare ye wear the Ring of the Bee-Witch? Fear the tarnished, ominous ring of unknown material, definitely not cursed to forever attract the ire of nearby bees. Its dark, twisted design...
  • The Spirit Drinking Ring of the Elven Princess Amy Thyst
    Introducing the The Spirit Drinking Ring of the Elven Princess Amy Thyst a striking purple facsimile set in delicate elven style kite shaped mounting. This ring may or may not...